Monday 22 June 2015

Day one. St Malo to Paimpont

95km.  The day didn't start so well, I did have a giggle at myself though.  I couldn't find my way out of St Malo, I thought how the hell will I find my way to the South of France at this rate! Once I was on the right road I was away.  Then I ended up on a motorway in error.  I stopped and pushed the bike back on the grass verge.   From then on I was sorted, I have sussed out the road signs now.  It was a dull day and it rained lightly on and off. I was smiling to myself a lot today.  The roads were excellent and I was on very quiet country lanes.  I kind of made up the route as I went as I kept finding interesting roads.  There were acres of fields with corn, wheat and potatoes.  Plenty of cattle and horses, all of which got a taste of my terrible French.  Well I have to practice!   The small villages I passed were adjourned with sweet smelling flowers.  The scent was beautiful, so much so that I would slow down to get as much as possible.  
I did have to stop quite a few times to check the map.  I decided that I would stop at Paimpont for the night at their campsite. I found it easily and was there by 5 pm.  I put up my tent and had a long hot shower.  Then I sauntered into town to the only open restaurant.  The food was "tres superbe ". I'm really pleased with day one.  

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