I left the porridge to cool in the pot while I went for a quick wash. I'd foiled the two pesky dogs as I'd seen the hole in the fence that they used and I'd blocked it up. Everything I did was in slow motion and it took ages for me to pack up camp.
I knew that today I wouldn't be riding too far. Initially I did what I usually do and berate myself for not being tougher and stronger. But then gave myself a talking to about being more relaxed and not putting such pressure on myself. Once I got my head around that I was cool with whatever distance I covered today. So I set small goals, from one town to the next. Once I'd settled my bill and set off it was 11am.
My first treat was 6 miles into the ride. I had the Loire River to cross. There are very few bridges across this river so there are a few ferries one can use. I crossed at Coueron to Le Pellerin.
I was lucky enough to arrive just as it was loading. It's a small ferry that takes about 15 cars at a time and takes about 10 minutes to cross.

There were a few cyclist on the ferry to but mostly locals.
As I cycled on, I took tiny back roads again and really felt the heat.
I soon came by the first of many vineyards.
At the next town I came to I found another amazing patisserie and bought lunch. Another giant baguette. This time I sat in the square and ate it.
It was 1pm and I didn't want to ride much more. So after another 10km I came to Machecoul. Here I tried to catch a train to the coast but bikes are not allowed on from here. There's a campsite about 15Km from here so that was the planned last stop. First I went to a supermarket and bought my night time and breakfast supplies. It was so lovely and cool in the shop, I wanted to stay there.
But I couldn't and I was tired so needed to get camp set up to rest.
Sadly I never made that campsite.
Whilst about to cross the road at a crossing where I had right of way, I looked left and saw a car approaching and it was not about to stop. As I hit the brakes my front wheel dropped into a divet and somehow I ended up crashing over. It happened in awful slow motion and I couldn't stop it. I landed heavily and hit my head pretty hard. My handlebar bag burst open and the contents went flying, half of it landing on the road. The heel of my right hand is sore and bruised from trying to break my fall. The car didn't stop. But a kind young man ( I can say that now I'm almost 50) stopped and jumped out his vehicle to help me and my bike up. He was very concerned about my head and neck but I told him I was ok. Once I'd gathered myself and assured him I was alright, he left.
After a few minutes I didn't feel so good, my head hurt, my neck hurt, my elbow hurt my hand hurt and my pride was dented.
Because I hit my head rather hard I decided to be really sensible and spoil myself to a hotel. I found one about 2km down the road. Once there I showered and lay on the lovely clean bed for a while. It's a bloody small room and tiny shower but feels like luxury. I check my helmet and its damaged on the side but nearer the back of my head.
My gorgeous bike is scratched and my lovely top is torn.
It could have been worse so I'm counting myself lucky.
I will have a good warm sleep I hope and be fighting fit in the morning.
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